Glute Circuit

3-4 sets:

  • 10-12 SINGLE LEG PRESS stabilize with opposite leg; each side
  • 10 ROTATIONAL LUNGES w/dumbbell on shoulder, drive up; each direction
  • 20 FROG PUMPS w/dumbbell on hips, squeeze heels together then go up
  • :20sec ISOMETRIC HOLD squeeze glutes

Equipment needed:

  • Leg press machine
  • Dumbbell

*Always select appropriate weight for your level. Exercises should be incorporated into your routine every other day.

Videos available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:01 am UTC [Universal Time].

Glute Circuit

3-4 sets:

  • 10 DROP SQUATS w/dumbbell, on step, just touch, right side; then 12 HIP THRUSTS w/dumbbell on hip, leg elevated on box or step, right side; then 8 SIDE LUNGES w/dumbbell, right side; repeat all with other side/leg

Equipment needed:

  • Dumbbell
  • Box or Step

*Always select appropriate weight for your level. Exercises should be incorporated into your routine every other day.

Videos available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:01 am UTC [Universal Time].

Glute Circuit

3-4 sets:

  • 10-12 DEADLIFT WITH BARBELL come up and squeeze glutes in straight position, no arching
  • 15 HIP THRUSTS legs elevated on bench or box w/ball or block between legs, squeeze pushing in
  • 12 REAR LUNGE INTO CURTSY LUNGE w/dumbbells, lean forward, left leg first; repeat w/other leg
  • :30-:40sec GLUTE SQUEEZE toes out

Equipment needed:

  • Barbell
  • Bench or box
  • Ball or block

*Always select appropriate weight for your level. Exercises should be incorporated into your routine every other day.

Videos available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:01 am UTC [Universal Time].