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 Diamond Glutes at Home-1

Superset: Do the reps of the first exercise and immediately follow up with the reps of the second. If needed a small rest of 15-30 seconds can be taken after the first two exercises then continue by repeating the superset the specified times.
Weight: Use dumbbells, water jug, weight plate, etc. I designed this program to work with 8-20 lbs (400 g-10 kg).
Bench: Use a bench, sofa or chair.
Band: Hip Circle Band e.g. Diamond Glutes HC Band (opens in new window; use code DGHOME for $5 off one band and free US shipping).

Week 1-Day 1

5 Supersets

Squats with weight in each hand » 10-12 reps

  • Weight in each hand
  • Feet about shoulder width
  • Put butt out; controlled, slow squat down keeping muscles under tension
  • Back up and pause for a glute squeeze at top.

Floor Bridges with weight » 12 reps

  • Lie down on your back knees up with feet relatively close to glutes while holding a weight upon your waist
  • Engage core, lift waist up to form bridge
  • Get a good active squeeze of the glutes then lower

4 Supersets

Front Walks with Band » 10 steps forward/backward

  • Band just above knees
  • Push knees out as far as you can
  • Walk forward on "train tracks" keeping core engaged
  • One leg then the other is "one"
  • Reverse; if you don't have a room to move 10 in a direction then divide it up—two 5's, two 4's and then 2, etc.

Romanian Dead Lifts » 10 reps

  • Weight in each hand, close to body, little bend in the knee
  • Core is engaged, lower controlled with butt out
  • Come up—pause with glute squeeze

3 Supersets

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