3-4 sets:
- 5 STEP PUSH OFFS w/dip belt or weight belt attached to cable machine; then 5 STEP CATCHES w/dip belt or weight belt attached to cable machine; repeat both on same side 3 times then repeat same circuit on opposite side
- 10-12 ADVANCED ROMANIAN DEADLIFT w/dumbbells, do not arch back too much, control the motion; repeat opposite side
- 10 STANDING KICKBACKS w/band on knees, lead with heal, do not arch; then 10 STANDING KICKBACKS w/band on knees, same side, leg bent, leading with back of knee; repeat both on opposite side
Equipment needed:
- Dip belt or weight belt
- Cable machine
- Set of dumbbells
- Band
*Always select appropriate weight for your level. Exercises should be incorporated into your routine every other day.
Videos available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:01 am UTC [Universal Time].